Print this page.Select the video or videos you want by placing a check mark on the circle of the date desired or you
can just put a note in with your payment telling which video(s) you want.
Once sold out these won't be reproduced.
Send orders to:
Dan Davis
43 Mill St.
Sodus,N.Y. 14551
ph.(315) 483-9355
- Sep. 2014 - 8 remaining
- Sep. 2015 - 2 remaining
- Sep. 2017 - 4 remaining
- Aug. 2013 - 4 remaining
- Aug. 2014 - 4 remaining
- June 2013 - 3 remaining - single disc $5.00
- June 2014 - 1 remaining - single disc $5.00
- June 2015 - 8 remaining - single disc $5.00
- June 2016 - 8 remaining
- June 2017 - 6 remaining - single disc $5.00
Videos are $10.00. Please add
$5.00 for shipping per order. (not per video) Allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.
Make checks or money orders payable to Dan Davis. |